True to his name, the Spiritbreaker is excellent at crushing the fight out of an enemy target. His skills are focused on disabling and killing a single enemy hero, making him much more effective in ambushes and one on one situations than large team battles. The Spiritbreaker generally opens with a Charge of Darkness, which allows him to charge from any point on the map towards the target, increasing in speed as he approaches his target. Upon arrival, he delivers a crushing stun, giving him time to follow up with his other active ability: Netherstrike. Netherstrike is a short range teleporting attack, which knocks the target back and deals massive damage. The Spiritbreaker's two passive skills supplement this combo. Empowering Haste is a aura which significantly boosts the movement speed of the Spiritbreaker and nearby allies, as well as providing him with a damage bonus based on his movement speed. Greater Bash is partly what makes the Spiritbreaker so feared by lone enemies. Upon connecting a Greater Bash, the Spiritbreaker deals extra damage and knocks the target back, stunning and disabling them completely. With Charge of Darkness, Greater Bash, and Netherstrike, hapless targets of the Spiritbreaker's attention are often dead before they can so much as lift a finger in retaliation.
Barathrum - Spiritbreaker
Range: 100 | Move Speed: 295
Primary: STR
Str: 23 + 2.8 | Agi: 17 + 1.7 | Int: 15 + 1.8
Damage: 45 – 55 | HP: 587 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 0.69 | Armor: 5
Range: 100 | Move Speed: 295
Primary: STR
Str: 23 + 2.8 | Agi: 17 + 1.7 | Int: 15 + 1.8
Damage: 45 – 55 | HP: 587 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 0.69 | Armor: 5
Charge of Darkness (C)
Barathrum takes a few seconds to charge up, then charges at his target , merging with the shadows at high speeds. Upon leaving the shadows, Barathrum shocks his opponent into an immobile state for some time. Enemies can only see the buff indicator when he is near his target.
Level 1 - Stuns for 1.4 second.
Level 2 - Stuns for 1.8 second.
Level 3 - Stuns for 2.2 second.
Level 4 - Stuns for 2.6 second.
• Target will become aware of the charge (a buff is visible in the status bar) when Barathrum is within 2500 distance.
• Gives vision on cast and true sight near the end over the target.
• Barathrum can run through units and trees, although he will still obey standard pathfinding through the terrain.
• Charges up in place for up to 4 seconds, then movement begins at a speed relative to how long you charged for. Displays a number above his head. Charge can be started by pressing a button.
• When maximum speed increase is achieved after 12 seconds, Barathrum becomes magic immune for the rest of the charge.
• Allies of Barathrum (and himself) will see an animation over the head of the target.
• Casting range: Global
• The movement speed bonus from Charge remains for 2 seconds after impact with the target.
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 40
Barathrum takes a few seconds to charge up, then charges at his target , merging with the shadows at high speeds. Upon leaving the shadows, Barathrum shocks his opponent into an immobile state for some time. Enemies can only see the buff indicator when he is near his target.
Level 1 - Stuns for 1.4 second.
Level 2 - Stuns for 1.8 second.
Level 3 - Stuns for 2.2 second.
Level 4 - Stuns for 2.6 second.
• Target will become aware of the charge (a buff is visible in the status bar) when Barathrum is within 2500 distance.
• Gives vision on cast and true sight near the end over the target.
• Barathrum can run through units and trees, although he will still obey standard pathfinding through the terrain.
• Charges up in place for up to 4 seconds, then movement begins at a speed relative to how long you charged for. Displays a number above his head. Charge can be started by pressing a button.
• When maximum speed increase is achieved after 12 seconds, Barathrum becomes magic immune for the rest of the charge.
• Allies of Barathrum (and himself) will see an animation over the head of the target.
• Casting range: Global
• The movement speed bonus from Charge remains for 2 seconds after impact with the target.
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 40
Empowering Haste (H)
Causes the Spiritbreaker to swing his weapon faster with higher movement speed, allowing him to deal extra damage. His presence increases the movement speed of nearby allied units.
Level 1 - Increases movement speed by 6% and damage by 4% of his movement speed.
Level 2 - Increases movement speed by 8% and damage by 8% of his movement speed.
Level 3 - Increases movement speed by 10% and damage by 12% of his movement speed.
Level 4 - Increases movement speed by 12% and damage by 16% of his movement speed.
• The bonus damage is added to Barathrum's ordinary attack damage.
• Area of Effect: 900
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Causes the Spiritbreaker to swing his weapon faster with higher movement speed, allowing him to deal extra damage. His presence increases the movement speed of nearby allied units.
Level 1 - Increases movement speed by 6% and damage by 4% of his movement speed.
Level 2 - Increases movement speed by 8% and damage by 8% of his movement speed.
Level 3 - Increases movement speed by 10% and damage by 12% of his movement speed.
Level 4 - Increases movement speed by 12% and damage by 16% of his movement speed.
• The bonus damage is added to Barathrum's ordinary attack damage.
• Area of Effect: 900
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Greater Bash
Gives a 17% chance to bash enemies across the ground, doing more initial damage and damage as they skid.
Level 1 - Deals 25 damage, 140 knockback distance, lasts 0.95 seconds.
Level 2 - Deals 50 damage, 180 knockback distance, lasts 1.15 seconds.
Level 3 - Deals 75 damage, 220 knockback distance, lasts 1.35 seconds.
Level 4 - Deals 100 damage, 260 knockback distance lasts 1.55 seconds.
• Damage type: magical
• Greater Bash is triggered everytime Spiritbreaker initiates an attack, so it is not necessary to land the attack in order for Greater Bash to work.
• Disable works on magic immune units.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: 1.5
Gives a 17% chance to bash enemies across the ground, doing more initial damage and damage as they skid.
Level 1 - Deals 25 damage, 140 knockback distance, lasts 0.95 seconds.
Level 2 - Deals 50 damage, 180 knockback distance, lasts 1.15 seconds.
Level 3 - Deals 75 damage, 220 knockback distance, lasts 1.35 seconds.
Level 4 - Deals 100 damage, 260 knockback distance lasts 1.55 seconds.
• Damage type: magical
• Greater Bash is triggered everytime Spiritbreaker initiates an attack, so it is not necessary to land the attack in order for Greater Bash to work.
• Disable works on magic immune units.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: 1.5
Nether Strike (E)
Moves you next to your target doing extra damage. Performs a greater bash hit. Casting range improves per level.
Level 1 - Moves Barathrum next to the target, deals 100 damage.
Level 2 - Moves Barathrum next to the target, deals 200 damage.
Level 3 - Moves Barathrum next to the target, deals 300 damage.
Mana Cost: 125/150/175
Cooldown: 75 (20 with Scepter)
• Damage type: magical
• Barathrum will move to the other side of the target seen from the point he casted it.
• Always performs a Greater Bash level 4 upon casting.
• Teleportation and damage is delayed 1 second while Barathrum is fading out, Barathrum is magic immune for this time period.
• Casting Range: 400/550/700 (550/700/850*)
• Aghanim's Scepter dramatically reduces cooldown and improves casting range. It also causes enemies around the primary target to also be bashed upon teleporting.
Moves you next to your target doing extra damage. Performs a greater bash hit. Casting range improves per level.
Level 1 - Moves Barathrum next to the target, deals 100 damage.
Level 2 - Moves Barathrum next to the target, deals 200 damage.
Level 3 - Moves Barathrum next to the target, deals 300 damage.
Mana Cost: 125/150/175
Cooldown: 75 (20 with Scepter)
• Damage type: magical
• Barathrum will move to the other side of the target seen from the point he casted it.
• Always performs a Greater Bash level 4 upon casting.
• Teleportation and damage is delayed 1 second while Barathrum is fading out, Barathrum is magic immune for this time period.
• Casting Range: 400/550/700 (550/700/850*)
• Aghanim's Scepter dramatically reduces cooldown and improves casting range. It also causes enemies around the primary target to also be bashed upon teleporting.
An outcast of the Spirithoof clan, Barathrum retreated in shame to the Ethereal Plane, feeding off wandering souls to sustain himself, and wandered aimlessly for centuries, alone and miserable. Found and recruited by the Lich King, Barathrum's uncanny speed and wraithlike powers have now been unleashed upon the Material Plane, his lantern able to project nether energy into enemies, sending them backwards with sudden force. With the ability to close the distance between himself and a target in seconds, Barathrum the Spiritbreaker is more than a match for anyone.
1. Charge of Darkness
2. Empowering Haste
3. Greater Bash
4. Empowering Haste
5. Greater Bash
6. Nether Strike
7. Empowering Haste
8. Greater Bash
9. Empowering Haste
10. Greater Bash
11. Nether Strike
12-14. Charge of Darkness
15. Attribute
16. Nether Strike
17-25. Attributes
It is best to stay on lane with necrolyte or chen, because every enemy of your is aware of your power, and you will be hunted.
If you're playing an aggressive match (ganks all the time) you can stay on lane with rexxar, because of his 3rd skill that helps you to increase your attack speed, so more chances for your enemies to get bashed.
Mom on Barathurum it's providential, but make sure you've got some extra hp when you enter the battle, if not you will fall easy. Mask of Madness, when activated causes you to take 30% extra damage.


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